
I don't like to entertain guests anymore.我再也不想招待客人了。

用a n y m o r e造句

I don't have the car anymore.

any more 的用法?

I can not take this anymore 展开全部 类似问题换一批英语not any longer与no longer的用法有什么不同 ? not any more 与no more的区别...

not……any more造句

i don't trust you any more 我不再相信你了. I don't want to meet you any more.我不想再见到你了.He wasnot anymore a nurse ...


She won't stay up anymore.她不再熬夜。一般将来时态的否定句


I do not love any more.我不再爱你了 I am not angry anymore.我不再生气

any more 怎么造句子

you'll not forget what I done good, not any more than you'll forget the bad, I know.我也知道,你不会忘记我做的...

用not ...any more 造句多举几个各种词性的例子,有好评的...

You can't drink any more.Now she wasn't afraid any more.We couldn't stand it any more.


4.A decade ago I would have told you that this was a failed experiment, but not anymore.要是...

谁来帮我用not...any more 造个句。要意思。

I don't wear glasses any more. 我不再戴眼镜、祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,...

