give an edge
give an edgeÊÇʲôÒâ˼
give an edge [Ó¢][¨Àiv æn edʒ][ÃÀ][¨Àɪv ən ɛdʒ][Ìå]Õ¼Ò»µãÓÅÊÆ;Ë«ÓïÀý¾ä 1 And that would give an edge to Ap...
...on the hustings.give hime an edge Ôõô½²?
edgeÓС°ÓÅÊÆ¡±µÄÒâ˼,give edge¾ÍÊÇ¡°Ê¹Ä³È˾ßÓÐÓÅÊÆ¡± ¾ä×Ó·Òë:ÂéÉúÈÏΪÆä¸öÈËÉùÍû¿ÉÒÔÔÚ¾ºÑ¡ÖÐÔö¼ÓÆäÓÅÊÆ. ½âÎö¿´²»¶®?Ãâ·Ñ²é¿´Í¬ÀàÌâÊÓƵ½âÎö²é¿´...
³Ô¼¦give people an edge to make more friends. »µ´¦: it takes a lot of time and efforts »áÕ¼Óúܶàʱ¼äºÍ¾«Á¦ ÓÐÒ»¸ö»µµÄÓ°Ïìon...1 - Answer the question directly 2 - Explain why 3 - Give an example 4 - Explain the alternative / opposite ΪʲôÓÃÕâ¸ö½á¹¹?
·Òë¡°ÎÒÃǵÄÓÅÊÆ¡±,ÓÃadventage »¹ÊÇstrength?
is thatstrengthis (obsolete) to give strength to; to strengthen whileadvantageis to provide (someone) with an advantage, to give an edge...
give sb an edge overÊÇʲôÒâ˼
¾ÍÊǸøijÈËÒ»ÖÖÓÅÊÆ ±ÈÈç Give yourself an edge over your competitors.have an edge overÕâ¸ö´Ê×éºÜÏàËÆ£¬¾ÍÊDZÈijÈËijÎï¾ßÓÐÓÅÊÆ
...ʵ¼ÊµÈÓÚ give an edge for the suburbsÆä´ÎÕâÀï...
fix ÔÚÕâÀïÖ¸Äá¹Å¶¡ñ«¡£2£¬Which might give nicotine-pushing plants, like tobacco, an edge.Äá¹Å¶¡Íƶ¯Ö²ÎïÖÐËÕ¼ÓÅÊÆ£¬±ÈÈçÑ̲ݣ¿give an edge £ºÕ¼Ò»µãÓÅÊÆ ...
We're rebuilding other countries while weakening our own. Ending the theft of American jobs will give us resources we need to rebuild ...So, so important. We need to think smart about areas where our technological superiority, and nobody comes close, gives us an edge....
³Ô¼¦give people an edge to make more friends. »µ´¦: it takes a lot of time and efforts »áÕ¼Óúܶàʱ¼äºÍ¾«Á¦ ÓÐÒ»¸ö»µµÄÓ°Ïì on study 6¡¢Í¬Òå´ÊÌæ»»¡¸ÎÒÈÏΪ¡¹ I fe...