
英文 I don't have any choice.我没有任何的选择

I have no choose什么意思

应该是I have no choice 吧,意思是我没有选择。

I have no choice but是+to do还是do还是都行

相反,but前若找不到do,则but后的不定式必定带to。例如:I have no choice but to accept the fact...


I have no choices.就是:我没有多个选择.首先,逻辑上不成立,没有多个选择就是有一个选择,但是只有一个选项,还能说得上是选择...

I have no choice but to do it.

我除了做它别无选择。 have no choice `` but to 这是固定短语搭配哦。

I have no choice but...(后面接什么)

I have no choice but to stay. 前面没有do 或 to do的情况后面要加带to的动词不定式。 2007-08-14 Greys 1.后面可以接从句 2.接...

I have no choice but to lay the facts before the - 百度知 ...

这句话的意思是“我没办法,只能在公众面前摆出事实”。I 主语。have 谓语。choice 宾语。but to lay the facts介词短语作定语...

I have no choice - - - you see but only to wish that...


have no choice为什么是单数

如:He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement.他将别无选择,只能与这个...

