Mac系统PHP7.1.10 想开启openssl扩展出错?

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php7 \ --with-php-config=/usr/local/php7/bin/php-config ...

Mac High Sierra 如何开启apache2+php7 - 百度经验

1 确认本地apache是否开启,打开Safari,输入localhost,如显示未连接则未开启。2 在在终端输入:sudo apachectl ...

内存溢出 - PHP5.6切换至PHP 7.1.19之后出现memory...

php5.6升级至php7.1之后,相同代码出现memory over问题。业务为发送邮件从数据库中选出大约6000位发送邮箱对象,然后500人次分批发送,php7之后发送...

php7.1升级到7.3 后是否需要重新安装拓展? - Segment...

@Jim_Chen 生产环境,PHP是编译安装。实际安装目录是 /opt/modules/php-7.1 、 /opt/modules/php-7.3, /usr/bin/php 软链到某个目录里面...

Cloud9升级php7.1配置运行laravel项目 - 百度经验

打开cloud9的控制台,执行如下命令增加php的源 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php回车一路向北吧 4 不...

PHP7.1 - 致命错误无法分配共享内存段 - PHP - CSDN问答

Thanks to @apokryfos I was able to make it work by following instructions here : https://...

php7.1.19 安装 mongodb 扩展后无法加载 - PHP - CSDN问答

From everything I read here, including your comments it seems your "production" server is behind ...

PHP7.1 - soap扩展安装方法

php soap扩展安装的方法:首先下载“php7。1。27”源码包并解压;然后执行命令“。/configure --enable...

Php7.1致命错误:字符串不支持[]运算符[重复] - PHP - CSDN...

You may have used this variable $w_custom_font1_src as a string somewhere else in the program...

Plesk更新后,PHP 7.1x MSSQL连接在SQL - HANDLE - ENV上与...

Got it to work, since I have a server which has different domains along with different versions ...

