...to everyday wear gloves连词成句?

People have to wear gloves everyday.人们每天必须戴手套。

连词成句people,wear,every day,glove,have to

People have to wear gloves every day.

...day People often wear gloves and hats to keep...



It's (数字里的英语词)to(A,BCDE选项里的英语写上就可以了).

...I really the one black 4.can You wear gloves...

I carry my bag with my hand It will be easy for her I really like the black one You can wear gloves in winter What ...

...days?2.I'd like to buy a pair of gloves (画线...

1.what do2.what do3.what are4.big enough for him to5.what think


1. Hello, everybody/everyone.2. Ladies and gentlemen.3. May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.请注意...

I forgot to wear gloves in the training course...

是的这是【主谓宾】句型I (主语)forgot(谓语) to wear gloves in the training course(不定式短语作宾语)

...of gloves - - - mine? - - - Yes.You have to wear...

选D,首先wash和gloves是动宾关系,需要过去分词,其次由于意思是正在洗的,所以用过去分词的进行时being washed


I always wear gloves in winter.

