
couldn‘t let it go应该可以吧


不舍得你Never Forget You 但我真的不舍得Oh i never want it to 问题三:你舍得吗 英文怎么说 楼上的不准确,舍得和愿意不是一个概念。你舍得么,潜在含义是你忍...

...我们会一直陪伴你们很久 不舍得 也绝不提前放手 你们放 ...

请不要担心时间的空白 Please don't worry about the time.我们会一直陪伴你们很久 We will always be with you for a long time.不舍得 Not willing to give up ...


1.舍不得 can not sacrifice 2.不舍得 not willing to give 3.突然累了 I feel tired all of a sudden 4.爱是绝对承诺 Love is an utterly promise 5.想送给你...


I hesitate to eat these crabs.It is a power outage today. Will our company generate electricity by itself?舍不得吃用hesitate好,参考下面资料:------------...


"我很不舍得你" 的英文翻译是 "I really don't want to let you go."。这句话的意思是:我真的不想让你离开。


The boy keeps looking back at the assistant, fascinated, as ifreluctantto leave.

舍得 的英文怎么写

reluctant不情愿,舍不得 名词:reluctance 反义词:willing adj.名词:willingness n.


can't afford to lose


我也在想这个问题。显然英文中没有直接对应的词。舍得拆开:舍,在Wiktionary上的解释是 discard, willing to give up,得,to get ; to ob...

