
Big grace obviously thanks 大恩不言谢 Big grace obviously thanks. Be to refer to in any case also be difficult to repay , not wanting to say having moved ...


大恩不言谢 直译是 For a great favour, no thanks are necessary , 但这可能被误解成大恩是不必道谢的。至于英语成语,和大恩不言谢相近的有 cannot thank one eno...


I don't say about thanking for your big kindness.

大恩不言谢!Thank you

大恩不言谢!Thank you 我来答 1个回答 #OPPO焕新季|春夏特惠# 原厂全新备件,享受官方质保 匿名用户 2014-09-23 展开全部 更多追...


3) Nothing but silent gratitude to your great favor/help though it isn't much use.(re-worded from “Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.” by G....

谁能帮我翻译一下 大恩不言谢

more value on his strength. Meanwhile some does not conform to the time concept have withdrawn from the stage of history. In short time waits for no one, p...

<大恩不言谢,但还是要说谢谢,我亲爱的朋友>的英文版 - 百 ...

Although no words can express my thanks for your favor, thank you all the same! My dear friend!


Toyota began as the first Japanese car to explore the international market manufacturer, has experienced nearly 60 years of trials and hardships. Its success in ...

几个句子的翻译?大恩不言谢! www.hi.baidu.com/candlell...

I supposs I can count on you for help in this matter.我想在这件事上你是值得信赖能帮助我的人。I belive in talking my time .我相信时间能证明一切。You ...

