翻译freedom of speech


freedom of speech是什么意思

言论自由(Freedom of Speech)是指公民在法律规定或认可的情况下,使用各种语言形式,针对政治和社会中的各种问题表达其思想和见解的自由。言论自由是现代社会中非常重要的...


Freedom of speechis a principle that supports thefreedomof an individual or a community to articulate theiropinionsand ideas without fear ...

“ freedom of ”和“ freedom from ”有什么区别...

Freedom of speech是言论自由,或言论的自由。这里 of 表示的认知概念和中文“的”大体一致。(但要注意词序,很多时候中英文是反的。比如这里...


自由,自主;直率;特权,特许;自由权 1。自由行为Freedom is the state of being allowed to do what you want to do。 Freedoms are instances of this。 。。。freedom of speech...

有人看到英文字幕里的the freedom of speech吗

the freedom of speech 网络 言论自由; 言論自由;[例句]The content of the important problem is how to prevent the public power to restrictthe freedom ...

If we do not have free dom of speech,at least we...

If we do not have free dom of speech,at least we have freedom of silience这是什么意思 扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 举报 如果我们没有言论的...


is the rare fortune of these days that one m...”加上这个网页中,这句话的标签是freedom thought,freedom-of-speech,所以这样翻……

