切高跟鞋 Chop The Heels?
*| Chop the meat into cubes before frying it. 把肉切成方块再 炸 . *| finely chopped onions, carrots, parsley, etc 剁碎的洋葱、胡萝卜、芫荽等. 2 [Tn] hit (sth) .../ klAk; klAk/ n short sharp sound (as) of hard objects being struck together (硬物相碰的)短促而尖锐的声响: the clack of high heels on a stone floor 高跟鞋在石地...
求节拍器 pro metronome 使用方法,界面看不懂?
/ mIns; mIns/ v 1 [Tn] chop or cut (esp meat) into very small pieces in a machine with revolving blades 用绞肉机绞(尤指...