请问四大发明用英文怎么说?急,写作文用,在线等…… - 百度知...
四大发明:Four Great Inventions 造纸术:Papermaking 活字印刷术:Typography 火药:Gunpowder 指南针:Compass
我国有世界著名的四大发明,一是火药,二是指南针,三是印刷术,四是造纸术。This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.这让我们中...
四大发明 英文作文
Four Great Inventions of Ancient China -- printing Block Printing With the inventions of paper and ink, stamper gradually became popular during the Jin Dynasty (...
The four great inventionsPaper: paper is an important chemical processes, the invention of paper is Chinese in the spread of human culture and development make a ...
people from the engraved seal inspire 四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史...
四大发明 英文作文谁能帮我写一写 四大发明的英文作文...
China was the first nation who invented paper.The earliest form of paper first appeared in the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-23AD),but the paper was generally ...
四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在人类文化的传播和发展上所做出的一项十分宝贵的贡献,是中国化学史上的一项重大的成就。 在纸还未发明之前,甲骨、竹简...
Although he may have been unaware of the origin of these inventions, in 1620 the English philosopher Francis Bacon noted their importance by writing:Printing, ...
英文中表独一无二的词(除地名)都要加the.例:The earth,the Spring festival 等