persuade sb to do s.th例句加翻译

I persuaded him go to go to see the film with me tonight.我成功说服他晚上陪我去看电影。

求翻译Itried.but lfailedtopersuadehim tostopsmoking. - 百 ...

1.我试过了,但还是没能劝他戒掉烟 2.不要冒险做这么危险的事情 3.他们做了充足的准备,所以现实的任务对他们来说很容易

英语翻译: In order to persuade his daughter to put o...

be able to persuade:能够说服

英语翻译I want to persuade me to complete well,don...


...persuade)2.年轻人应该关爱老年人 (care about)3...

1.We have persuaded him to take our thought.2.The youngers should care about old men.3.He has made up his mind to overcome his shortcomings.4.She is fond...

翻译句子 We tried to persuade/advised him to stay...



1. To answer my question, he is not consistent, indicating that suddenly did not say the truth 2. I am trying to persuade him to consult a doctor, but he...


we persuaded him into giving up smoking.once you have begin,you must persevere.he insisted that we should stay at his home during weekend.he always dreams of ...


不知道第三个句子的提示词是不是出错了 我觉得应该是long before?long for是渴望的意思.1.I finally persuaded him to take a walk with me.2.Birds are flying north...


1 拿主意(make up one’s mind) 他下定决心,要自己完成这项工作[He is determined to complete their work]2 遭受,平静下来(suffer from,calm down) 遭受战争之苦的...

