灾区 英文
disaster area 灾区~~
灾区: a disaster area 救灾物资: relief supplies -- 涉及到社会福利性质的救济或救济品,常用到这个词relief,英文的解释是,aid for the aged or indigent or handica...
急需一封写给灾区孩子的信,英文的 在半个小时之内有效...
匿名用户 2008-06-14 08:08 满意回答 Disaster area schoolmates: You are good! I saw from the television your there has had 8 magnitude of earthquakes, the house also co...
now;around;loud;owl;tower time;nice;kind;find;mind (后面这仨词儿也属于重灾区,往往学生喜欢发成 kand;fend和mand)7-元音 - ...
先说黑格尔的名言,原文是德语,英文版是 What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational,直接翻译后半句为“存在即合理”是对...
The disaster area seting center灾区安置中心 The disaster area seting region 灾区安置区
重灾区 网络释义 重灾区:hit area
根据中文提示、句意和英文解释写出句中所缺单词。 1...
1. cured 2. mostly 3. afford 4. education 5. further / father 6. blindness 7. ...
I donated my pocket money to the disaster area.我把我存的零用钱捐给灾区
山崩 lava 熔岩 mudslide 泥石流 open-ended Richter Scale 里氏地震级 quake-striken area 地震灾区 reduce to rubbles 化为瓦砾 rock 震动 seism 地震 shantytown 棚户区...