...what you've got and try to achieve more.
可有多种译方:直译 千万不要满足现状,努力去取得更多的成就/进步。意译 满招损谦受益/革命尚未成功,同志们还需努力。
achieve more success
答案:more success 应该修改为:much success,因为success不可数.所以不能用more;
用together everyone achieve more造句?
The more everyone work together, the more everyone can achieve.
70. make a fuss about sth 大惊小怪 71. achieve nothing 一无所成 72. gain a foothold in 站稳脚跟 73. make a name for oneself 扬名立万/声名鹊起 74. invite troubl...
...than work alone because,we can achieve more...
In a modern society,people often need to work with a group of people rather than work alone because,we can achieve more when we work together than when we ...
有时你得到的要比你付出的多.3.We need more food, and drinks, and games.我们需要更多的食物,饮料和游戏.4.I resolve to achieve more in the new year.我决心...
...Despite being young we are expected to achieve...
1.A 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 分 析:科学证明活泼讨人喜欢的孩子在人生中获得成功的机率会更大。在本文中作者对此进行了详细的解释和证明,比如活泼乐观的孩子容易...
1. "Achieve" can be used in the passive voice as a noun, functioning as an object complement verb, and can also serve as a complex object with an ...
其实呢,finish与close, complete 等动词是同义词,而 achieve与reach, accomplish等动词是同义词。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级...
Do— execute, enact, carry out, finish, conclude, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain Dull— boring, tiring tiresome, uninteresting,...