...tea in the cup. A:a few B:a little C:little D:few...

B:a little tea 不可数,必须使用little 或者 a little.因为only,说明还有一点,所以用a little.little 相当于否定,与only 不...

there is only a little tea left in the teaport.

茶壶里几乎没茶了,我去弄点。“a little tea ”几乎没有

there is a little tea in that cup(对a little 提问?) - 百 ...

How much tea is there in that cup?

a little和little的区别

1、a little与little 在用法上都可以相当于代词、形容词或副词。a little 表示“少,但还有一点”,即重点放在“肯定意义”的“...


优质解答 Is there a little tea in this class? 作业帮用户 2017-09-27 举报 其他类似问题 There is little water in the glass改反义...


Drinking tea is good for the body, we should drink a little tea, let our bodies bee more healthy! 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回...

a little 和little,a few和few的

表示否定意思:没有一些,没有一点1) He has a few friends in Beijing.他有朋友 There is a little tea in the glass.杯里...

a lot和a little的区别是什么?

Could you pour me a little tea, please?(请帮我倒一点茶,好吗?)3. 用法区别:"a lot" ...

a lot,a little有什么区别

"a lot" 和 "a little" 的区别:区别一:含义"a lot":表示大量、许多。"a little":表示少量、一点。例...

how to make tea如何沏茶英语步骤

Put a little tea into the teapot.Next,find boil kettie and put water into the teapot.Finglly,put teawater into the cups...

