be critical about什么意思

对。。。很挑剔 如:She is critical about everything .她对一切都喜欢吹毛求疵。如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进... one's choice吃东西挑三拣四be critical about...


be critical

对.很挑剔如:She is critical about everything .她对一切都喜欢吹毛求疵.

...单选题 The method he used turned out to be...

He could be ___ about everything else in the world,but not about Manet,his loving child.1.visual 2.critical 3.favorite 4.essenti...

英语作业,求全对 在线等

2. Don't be (critical) about him; he is a beginner.选A。翻译:不要对他太(苛刻),他只是...

雅思阅读不能不知的八类词 纵观雅思阅读类各种出题点,万变不离其宗,路标词决定一切,参透八类最重要的词汇,平均分就可以提到...


5) We should learn to be content with all that we have and should notbe critical about things around us.6) They often represent ...

第2份 高中20道英语选择题 50分求助 拜谢

36. We should be___ with all that we have and should not be critical about things around us.A.content B.concerned...


for sth.;be crucified by;be critical of;criticize sb. for sth.;accuse sb. of sth.;charge sb. with sth. accuse of 指责,...

...him;he is a beginner? A.critical B.positive C.Indian...

您好,这个题应该选A。选A,那么这两句话意思是“别太挑剔了,他才是个初学者” 。这样是说得通的。如果选B,那么这两句话...

