can world
can you feel my worldÖÐÎÄ·Òë??
can you feel my worldÖÐÎÄÒâ˼£ºÄãÄܸоõµ½ÎÒµÄÊÀ½çÂð¡£Ò»¡¢can Ó¢ [kæn] ÃÀ [kæn]ÊÍÒ壺aux. ¿ÉÒÔ£»ÄÜ n. ¹ÞÍ· v...
can you feel my worldµÄÖÐÎÄÒâ˼ÊÇʲôÄØ?
can you feel my worldµÄÖÐÎÄÒâ˼ÊÇÄãÄܸоõµ½ÎÒµÄÊÀ½çÂð£¿Öصã´Ê»ã½âÎö£ºworld»ù±¾´Ê»ã Ó¢ [wɜːld] ¡¡ ¡¡ ÃÀ [wɜ...
energy,the faith,the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it ¡ª and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.And...
You can get much - - - about the World Expo on the...
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All the world's a stage. ÈËÉúÈçÏ·,Ï·ÈçÈËÉú¡£ One good turn deserves another. ÀñÉÐÍùÀ´¡£ You can sleep when you're dead. ÖÁËÀ·½ÐÝ¡£ Good wine needs no bush. ¾Æ...
Çø±ðÒ»£ºWorldµÄ¶ÁÒôÊÇ [wɜ:ld]£¬WordµÄ¶ÁÒôÊÇ [wɜ:d]¡£Çø±ð¶þ£ºWorld ±È WordµÄ·¢Òô¶àÁËÒ»¸ö¡°l¡±¡£Çø±ðÈý£º¡°l¡±µÄ...
ÄãÄܸÐÊܵ½ÎÒµÄÊÀ½çÂð£¿can Äܹ» you Äã feel ¸ÐÊÜ ¸Ð¾õ my ÎÒµÄ world ÊÀ½ç ×£Äãѧϰ½ø²½£¡
...enough to think they can change the world are...
ÏàÐÅ×Ô¼ºÄܸıäÊÀ½çµÄÈË×îÖÕ¾ÍÄܸıäÊÀ½ç,´óÒâ¾ÍÊÇÓÐÖ¾Õßʾ¹³É°É...who doÊÇÊ¡ÂÔ¾ä,Ê¡ÂÔÁËchange the world ,¼´who do change the world ,do±íÇ¿µ÷.Ó¦¸ÃÊÇÕâÑù°É.....
Sometimes the real world can be a confusing place...
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ÊÂʵÉÏTCCµÄsloganÒ²ÕýÊÇWorld Travel: The Passport to Peace Through Understanding 2.²»ÂÛÊǺÍÐÂÈÏʶµÄÅóÓÑ¡¢¹¤×÷»ï°é»òÕßÃÃ×Ó,ÂÃÐоÀú¶¼¿ÉÒÔÊÇÖØÒªµÄ̸×Ê,¿ÉÒÔºÜÈÝÒ׵Ľ¨Á¢...д×Å:Hello, I'm Chinese; Can you help me?; Where is this station?... µÈµÈ°É¡£ÉÏÃæд×Å1 2 3 4,±³ÃæÓÐÖÐÎÄ¡£ 'ÎÒ¶ù×Ó˵ÓÐʲôʶù¾Í¿´¿¨Æ¬ºóÃæ,È»ºóÕÕ×ÅÎʾÍÐÐ'....