
(突然)变嘶哑,变沙哑if your voice cracks , it changes in depth, volume, etc. suddenly and in a way that you cannot controlIn a voice cracking with emoti...


中文的“裂开”在英语中可以表达为“split open”或者“burst open”。其中,“split open”字面意思为“被分开打开”,而“burst open”则是“突然裂开”的意思。split:...

如何理解dry to the point of cracking tone这句话...

不知道你觉得我的理解怎么样:dry tone,dry到什么程度,dry to the point of cracking 一条都快干裂的舌头,为什么它会干裂呢?因为它一刻...




quell: /kwel/ v. 平息,镇压 monetary: / adj. 货币的,金钱的 contagion: /knte.dn...

翻译以下文段 ,急用

make each part of water moving speed balanced as possible, in order to prevent cracking.( 3) to be core molding products, advance on the core and powder, ...

鸡中宝藏 - 鸡宝

Do not expose to sunshine or roast on fire, so as to avoid drying and cracking affecting the quality. The dried chicken treasures can also be stored in sealed bottles ...


[i]. 温诗铸, 黄平. 摩擦学原理. 第二版[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2002 .[ii]. Lamaca V, Dubourn M C, Vincent L. Crack ...


cracking 裂化separation 分离fractionating tower 分馏塔fractional distillation 分馏distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔polymerizing, polymerization 聚合reforming 重整purification 净化hydrocarbon ...

putty skin base什么意思?

cracking 爆裂/开裂见底 cure 干燥/固化 delamination 脱层/分层/起鳞 decoration 装饰 decorative painting 装饰性涂层 density 密度 derusting 除锈 diameter 直径 display ...

