exposed to是什么意思

exposed to,是暴露,揭露,使曝光的意思。


beexposedto的中文意思是暴露于,遭受。词汇分析 释义:遭受,暴露于…;见

“exposed to”造句有哪些?

造句:We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents .我们遭受着极大的灾难。They are exposed to many hazards .它们会遇到...

expose to和be exposed to如何区分?

区分:1,expose to 和be exposed to的区别在expose to是将什么暴露于什么,而be exposed to意思是暴...

怎么区分expose to 和be exposed tobe exposed to意思...

怎么区分expose to 和be exposed tobe exposed to意思是使...暴露,除了被动的时候用还有什么时候用?expose to

怎么区分expose to 和be exposed to

暴露于危险和伤害之下。 exposed to 暴露于……be exposed to [词典] 遭受,暴露于…; 见;...

用exposed to造句

造句:This part of the west coast of Scotland is very exposed to Atlantic winds.苏格兰西海岸的这一段完全暴露在大西洋海风...

He has been exposed - - - English in American over the...

应该用 "to".因为 "exposed to"[意思:受到,招致] 是固定搭配。HOPE THAT THIS HELPS


看情况而定。如果是暴露于、暴露在什么面前,用to, the student are usually exposed to dangers.如果指暴露的方式,可以用on, ...

exposed to后置定语

language environment. (宾语补足语)People exposed to sunshine at noon in summer are likely to get burnt. (后置定语)

