通信打通first call是啥意思

通信行业里面FIRST CALL 就是注册之后, 第一次发出来的信件,或者电话, 都是属于FIRST CALL。意思是指中国移动、中国电信、中国联通...

...31快速实现拨号打电话(First call)

然后开始敲命令:(黑色粗体命令,没有加粗的是打印)ATI Manufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Model: MH5000-31 Revision:...

...when they do,you want to get help first.No one...

61-65:BCBAD61题答案:B 细节理解题.根据短文中第二段The very first 911 call was made on February 16,1968.in Alibama.可知...


Cold call需要跨时差,电话要一个一个打,效率低。最主要的问题时,打电话对英文水平的要求比书面高。...


1.come SOME2.sock KNOCK3.how NOW4.your TOUR5.call BALL6.pen HEN7.say DAY8.dear BEAR9.ring KING10.get SET 11.run ...


directions: in this section, you will hear 10 short at the end of each conversation, a ...

- - - we call the First Aid Centre the doctors...

B 解析: immediately可以作连词使用 相当于as soon as the moment the instant (一……就……) 同时还考查了时态:从句用一般现在...


国外:Arrested Motion 介绍潮流、街头艺术的网站,曾经是我自己艺术网站的主要新闻源 Hi-Fructose Magazine...

...popular?There are some (77) - - - (reason).First...

A lot of people are crazy doing shopping through the Internet now.We call this way of shopping(76)o___ shopping.Why is it so ...


随着香港留学逐渐进入大众视野,今天也给大家介绍一个香港大学。香港科技大学。 香港科技大学建校于1991年,由理、工、商及人文社会科学4所学院...

