Books,software,and videos,no matter what you are...
25.Dϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâ.¸ù¾ÝµÚ¶þ¶Î¿ÉÖªÖ÷Òª½²ÊöÁ˵ç×ÓÊé,µç×ÓÊéÔÚÍøÂçÉϵijöÊÛ.¹ÊÑ¡D.26¡¢BÓɵÚËĶÎÖÐthat some people have their own web...
...all of his or her free time playing video games...
52.C Àí½âÍƶÏÌâ.¸ù¾ÝµÚÒ»¶ÎÄÚÈÝ¿ÉÖªÌáÁ˼¸¸öÎÊÌâ,Õ⼸¸öÎÊÌⶼÊÇΪÁËÒý³ö±¾ÎĵÄÖ÷Ìâ,¹ÊÑ¡C.53.B Àí½âÍƶÏÌâ.¸ù¾ÝÉÏÒ»¾ä:Are&...
See the world¡for free!Traveling is expensive.But...
66 A ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâ:¸ù¾ÝµÚÒ»Ôò¹ã¸æTraveling is expensive.But you can see the world for very little money!ÂÃÐкܹó,µ«Äã¿ÉÒÔÓúÜÉÙµÄÇ®¿´ÊÀ½ç;This course is online...
Ó¢Óï·Òë1¡¢All of the videos provided by Netflix...
Every day we are exposed to images,videos,music...
41.C ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâ,¸ù¾ÝµÚ¶þ¶ÎThe term"podcast"was invented in 2004,but the trend only started gaining mainstream popularity in recent years.With the sharp increase... to everyone and the library card is free...
1-5: ACBCC
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24.A ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâ.¸ù¾ÝUnlike previous Museum Day celebrations,you must sign up for a free ticket that admits two people to any of the participating museums.That ...
With the development of science and technology,our...
58Ìâ,Ó¦Ìîhand(s),ÓÉÎÄÕÂÖÐIt is designed to take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing¿ÉÖª,Õâ¸öÉè¼ÆÊDz»ÐèÒªÈËÃÇÓÃÊÖÀ´²Ù×÷videoµÄ.59Ìâ,computer(s),...
Have you ever tried to understand something new on...
for example.This will take you to all the things in that area like text articles,videos and questions.You can also put key words into the search box to see related ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê ½áºÏÔÎÄIn order to provide"a free world-class education for anyone anywhere",´Ë´¦µÄ¾äÒâÊÇ"Äã²»±ØΪ¿Î³Ì¸¶¿î",¹ÊÌî pay 61.helpful/usefu...