get it straight 与get z bite在口语中什么意思

it straight有点中文里把这事儿理顺了的意思,弄清楚有条理的意思 如果楼主说的是get a bite看用在什么情况下了,get a bite ...


Most of them writer fellers got it straight—cause their idiots always smarter than people give them credit for. Hell, I'd agree wi...

well let just get it straight so at lease we know bye...

will let just get it straight to at least we know bye for now and have a great and safe day 就让它这样吧,至少我们现...

93 'Til Infinity 歌词

So get it straight.You look great Let's grub now.A rub down sounds flavor,Later there's a theatre We in the cut.Th...


go straight 改过自新 \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0astraight up 直率地;真实地;(酒)不加冰块的 \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0astraight...


46. I doubt it 我怀疑。47. I think so. 我也这么想。48. I'm single. 我是单身贵族。49....


● get...straight:把……弄清楚 “Let us get this straight: David needs a car and I lend it to him, not you.”...

关于get 的短语

get的短语:1、get there 到达那里;取得成功,实现目标 2、get used to 习惯于?3、get rid 摆脱;排除;处理掉 4、get up ...

帮我回答几个英语问题getto(近义短语) - - - straight...

A:Can you ( tell) me how ( to ) ( get ) to the bus stop?B:Can you tell me (the ) ( way) to the bus stop?...


It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs 只有两个选择:要么是报酬很低的工作,要么就是失业。《柯林斯高阶...

