...did not exit cleanly (exit code 1)

总之,当git pull操作出现错误时,你需要先了解具体原因,然后选择合适的解决方法。无论是手动恢复文件,还是先提交后拉取,都需要你对git操作有一定的了解。需要注意的是...


解决冲突后,若需要提交代码的话,需先将代码使用git add .存入缓存区,或直接使用git commit –am “本次提交描述” 或git commit –a –m “本次提交描述”将代码提交至本地仓库...

commit git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1...

出现 选择ignore之后 重新commit还是显示commit git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1) 把想要commit的文件夹删去 重新commit就会显示 文件夹的...

...分支提示git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1)

使用TortouieGit拉取代码的时候报git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1)的解决步骤 关于#git#的问题:在git checkout filename后报错,出现error...

Git 有什么奇技淫巧?

git diff-index --check --cached$againstthenecho"pre-commit: Aborting commit due to whitespace errors"exit1elseecho"pre-commit: No whitespace ...


message: '请输入Git code用户名 (目前Git不支持绑定私钥):'  }, { type: 'password', name: 'password', message: '...));shell.exit(1)}installSpinner.succeed(chalk.green('依赖安装成功'))installSpinner.succeed(chalk.green('项目创建完成'))shell.exit(1)...

TortoiseGit 常见错误disconnected no supported

1. "disconnected no supported authentication methods available(server sent: publickey)"2. "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 1)"3. "git did not exit ...

java - 由于找不到节点命令,在 Git 挂钩预提交中提交...

Commit failed - exit code 1 received, with output: '.git/hooks/pre-commit: line 32: node: command not found' 我查看了我的预提交文件: #!/bin/sh # husky # Hook...

...git.bb:do - compile) failed with exit code '1...

bitbake失败出现ERROR: Taskrecipes-devtools/clang/clang_git.bb:do_compile) failed with exit code '1bitbake mc:x86-2020:core-image-sato...

git error:key does not contain a section:什么意思...

这段英文的翻译是:Git错误:密钥不包含节:git出现error: key does not contain a section: trustexitcode 错误,经分析应该是~/.gitconfig中信息配置有错误。英语学习的...

