if somebody tells 还是if somebody tell

If somebody tells 正确 当主语是不定代词,如: somebody, everything...时,主语用单数, 如: Everybody is here.人都到齐了 ...

1、If somebody is wanted for something by the...

1、If somebody is wanted for something by the police , it means he did something wrong .翻译成中文:如果某人由于某事被警方...

if somebody tells you,"i will love you for ever,"will...


If somebody is in a red mood,he might feel - - - .怎么做...

C 热血,感到兴奋 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝您学习进步,工作顺心。^_^

...could do so much more if somebody would just have f...

if somebody...从句的条件,用了would,I could...从句的主句,虚拟语气,和起来表示一种强烈的愿望。


这个跟是什么从句没有直接关系 somebody更多地用于肯定句,而在疑问和否定句中通常变为anybody~~~同时anybody也有自己单独的意义,...


pron.某人 n.大人物 网络有人;重要人物;某个人 1.If somebody who have the same interesting with...

If somebody has - - - first - degree burn, give him or...


if somebody break me

1 heart 2 mosquito 3 Six legs--forelegs in front and two in back forelegs前腿,音似four legs 4 water ...


16、If somebody asks me how my diet is going, I say, 'Fine' .要是有人问我节食进行得如何,我就说:“蛮好的”。

