the lake isle of innisfreeÉú»îÊÇʲôÑùµÄ

the lake isle of innisfreeÉú»îÊÇÎÞÓÇÎÞÂǵģ¬×ÔÓÉ×ÔÔڵġ£InnisfreeµºÊÇ°®¶ûÀ¼Ãñ¼ä´«ËµÖеÄÒ»¸öºþÖÐСµº£¬Ãû×Ö±¾Éí¾Í´øÁËÒ»¸ö´ú±í×Å×ÔÓɵĴÊÒ»free¡£È«Ê«ÓÃÁ˼¸ºõ°×ÃèµÄ...

The Lake Isle of Innisfree - - Ò¶Ö¥Ãûƪ¡¶ÒðÄÚ˹¸¥Àûºþµº...

È»¶ø, Ò¶Ö¥ÕâÊ×Ê«¸èÓëÌÕÊϺͻªÊϵÄÊ«¸èÏà±È´óÒìСͬ¡£ÌÕÔ¨Ã÷Ó뻪×È»ªË¹µÄ×ÔÈ»Éú»îÊÇʵÔڵġ¢¾ßÌåµÄ, ¶øÒ¶Ö¥µÄ×ÔÈ»Éú»îÊÇÐé¹¹µÄ¡¢Æ®ÃìµÄ¡£´ÓÏÖ´úÐԵĽǶȿ´, ÕâÊ×Ê«¸èÕÛÉä...

ÇëÎÊYeatsµÄThe Lake Isle of InnisfreeµÄÒô½ÚÒô²½...

£¨5£©ÔÏÂɸñʽ£ºABAB CDCD EFEF ¡¶The Lake Isle of Innisfree¡·By William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree...


1. ¡¶The Lake Isle of Innisfree¡·Ô­ÎÄ I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,And a small cabin build there, of clay and...

Lake Isle of Innisfree ¸è´Ê

¸èÇúÃû:Lake Isle of Innisfree ¸èÊÖ:bill douglas ר¼­:A Place Called Morning THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE By William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, and...

ÇóThe Lake Isle of Innisfree ÉÍÎö



ÕâÊ«ÎÒÒ²ºÜϲ»¶ THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE By William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,And a small cabin build there, of clay ...

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Ö÷ÌâÉÏ£¬Ò¶Ö¥ÔÚThe Lake Isle of InnisfreeÖбí´ïÁ˶ÔÌïÔ°Éú»îµÄÏòÍùÓëÌÓÀëÐúÏùÉç»áµÄ¿ÊÍû¡£Éí´¦¹¤Òµ¸ïÃüµÄ±³¾°Ï£¬ËûÑ°Çó×ÅһƬ¾»ÍÁ£¬ÒÔÌÓÀëÎÛȾ¡¢ÔëÒôÓëÉç»á³ó¶ñÏÖÏó£¬...


¡¶THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE¡·I will arise and go now,and go to Innisfree¢Ù,And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles ...

Ò¶Ö¥µÄ Òð˹¸¥Àûµº Ë­Óа¡,¼Ó·­Òë

The lake isle of innisfree I will arise and go now , and go to Innisfree,And a small cabin build there , of clay and ...