Sick ÊìÒå:Éú²¡;ÉúÒå:¼«ºÃµÄ Shotgun ÊìÒå:ö±µ¯Ç¹;ÉúÒå:¸±¼Ý Go south ÊìÒå:ÍùÄÏ×ß;ÉúÒå:¶ñ»¯ ÕâЩÊÇÊôÓÚÙµÓï Default ÊìÒå:(ϵͳµÄ)ȱʡֵ;ÉúÒå:(Õ®ÎñµÈ)Î¥Ô¼;ÆúȨ ÕâÖÖÊÇ...ÊÕ²Øϲ»¶ÊÕÆð adamlam U Toronto: Editor/Student ¹Ø×¢ 2 ÈËÔÞͬÁ˸ûشð ÕâÊÇÒ»¸ö´Ê»ã¶à¸öÒâ˼µÄÀý×Ó:רÌâµ¥´Ê¾äµä1069(A-C)(33´Ê»ã): "See/Seeing"zhuanlan.zhihu...


adamlam U Toronto: Editor/Student ¹Ø×¢ 5 ÈËÔÞͬÁ˸ûشð ÊÔÊÔ±³Õâ¸öÀÏÍâÄîµ¥´ÊµÄ ¡°ADAMµ¥´Ê±í¡±¡£ Òª±³µÄµ¥´Ê²»ÊÇÎÊ "man" ...3. leave (n) ¼ÙÆÚ a sick leave(v)À뿪 He left his hometown two years ago.ʹ¡­´¦ÓÚijÖÖ״̬ Leave the door open.ºöÂÔ»òδÄá¢...


and I believe in these four Firings, we had kill'd seventeen or eighteen of them, and lam'd twice as many; yet they came on again. I...

Ë­ÄܸøÎÒbigbangµÄ»ÑÑÔ»òÕßÒ»ÌìÒ»Ìì»òÕߺìϼÖÐÒ»Ê׸èµÄÖÐ ...

I saw the flame (yeah) Yeah, scream my name (damn)And I'm so sick of love song(s) (love song x2)Yeah I hate them love song(s), memento of ours.....

bigbang Ì«ÑôI need a girlÒôÒë ²»ÊÇÖÐÎÄ·­Òë ²»Òª...

I'm tired of being alone Sick of being single I think I need a girl I need a girl like[ÐиÂbongÁËÂôÍ ŶÀïÄÚ¶ÁÂô¹Ånai come Èö°¢ÄÇtrue][simÎ÷Âô‡N¿¨kun no nin...[come ÂèÄÚËÑdon ÄÇ¼Ò non འtall¹þÃ×ÄÚÃ×¼¸Âú][Èölam ÈüŶKÄÚÈö½ñའ¿ÚÀàpo Ò»nin ki len][Girl, I need a girl MonºÙ¶¼Ò»‡N Momû¶¼Ò»‡N]Girl, I need a girlGirl...




I wish to geeminy she'd stick to one or t'other ¡ª I can't keep the run of ¡®em. But I bet you I'll lam Sid for that. I'll learn him!' He was not ...He pictured himself lying sick unto death and his aunt bending over him beseeching one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with ...

Ì«Ñôi need girl ÖÐÎÄÒôÒë´óÉñÃÇ°ï°ïæ

Ô­ÎÄ+·­Òë+ÒôÒë Taeyang-I Need a Girl I'm tired of being alone Sick of being single I think I need a girl I need a girl like ²»ÒªËµ»°Ã»Í·Ã»ÄÔ...


ad, add ail, ale air, heir aisle, I'll, isle all, awl allowed, aloud alms, arms altar, alter arc, ark aren't, aunt ate, eight auger, augur auk, ...