律师常说的convenient 什么意思 除了方便的意思还有什么意思...

con.ve.nient [kən`vinjənt; kənˋvi:njənt]《源自拉丁文“ (恰好) 一起来,吻合的”的意思》形容词 (more ~; most ~)1 <东西>...


首先10个字母,c开头,t结尾。然后3个音节,con-ve-nient,3-2-5来背。最后结合其它单词进行联想记忆。con-trol, con-ti-nue, con-tri-bute记住con。revent,invent...


control[kEn5trEJl]v.&n.控制,支配 convenient[kEn5vi:nIEnt]adj.方便的,适合的;容易到达的 conversation[7kCnvE5seIFEn]n.[C,U]谈话,交谈 cook[kJk]v.烹调,煮,烧n.[C]厨...

如何通俗理解差价合约 (contract for differences...

convenient / kEn5vi:nIEnt; kEn`vinjEnt/ adj ~ (for sb/sth) 1 fitting in well with people's needs or plans; giving no trouble or difficulty; suitable 适合需要的; ...

nient dedire的意思

nient dedire (法国古法)不否认;不反对;一言不发;获得不利于己的判决;无答辩

...conve - The Store able (流行的) cheapest nient...

  1—5 BDAAD

一句有关年轻人的英语俚语,get drunk wake up at sb's...

/ kEn5vi:nIEnt; kEn`vinjEnt/ adj ~ (for sb/sth) 1 fitting in well with people's needs or plans; giving no trouble or difficulty; suitable 适合需要的; 方便的; ...

传说之下有多少个出名的sansAU 他们的故事都是什么 - 百度...

就会感受不到任何感觉,简单来说,就是黑化 error!sans:他和上一位完全是对着干,专注于毁灭AU,而他也是著名的邪骨(hrror,dust,error,killer,nient)五人团之一,...

...e diumA. f e deral B. conv e nient C. r e sist...

1. B    2. D   3. B    4. C   5. D 1. m e dium划线字母的发音为/i: /, conv e nient划线...

求一篇英语作文,不少于60字,It is reported that an...

Nowadays ,most senior high school studengts live in their campus as it is convennient for their study.With the concern of roomate relationship,some people pointed...

