paul s case
Willa Cather(Þ±À¡¤¿Éª)¡¶Paul¡¯s Case¡·¡¶±£ÂÞʼþ¡·½âÎö Ŀ¼ Willa Cather(Þ±À¡¤¿Éª)¼ò½é ¡¶±£ÂÞʼþ¡·µÄÀúÊ·±³¾° Ó롶±£ÂÞʼþ¡·ÓйØ...
Õâ¸ö²âÊÔ°µÊ¾ÁËÖ÷È˹«PaulµÄÆ·ÐÔ¼°ÆäÔÚ¹ÊÊÂÖеĵØ루ÌìÑ¡Ö®×Ó£©¡£Technically, there¡¯s nothing inside the box. When Paul places his hand allows the person holding the box ¡ª in this case the Bene Gesserit ±´Äᡤ½ÜɪÀïÌؽãÃûá Reverend Mother ʥĸ¡ª to focus their ¡°energy...
¡ïÖÐÎÄÒëÃû£º±£ÂÞ¡¤Î¤Ë¹Àû ¡ïêdzƣºPaul£¬Wesley ¡ï³öÉúµØ£ºÃÀ¹ú£¬ÐÂÔóÎ÷ÖÝ£¬Ð²»Â×Èð¿ËÊ¡ ¡ï¹ú¼®£ºÃÀ¹ú ¡ï³öÉúÈÕÆÚ£º1982Äê7ÔÂ23ÈÕ ¡ïÄêÁ䣺27£¨2010Äê7ÔÂ23ÈÕÂú28£©...
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B:Okay,go ahead,Paul.C:It is the club meeting and we would love to have you if you can make it.A:But I am not a member of your club though...B:Not a ...A:Okay,if that's the case,where should I meet you guys?Which Pizza Hut?B:I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm.If you want,we can ride there...
ÕâҲʹËûÃÇÄÜÔÚϵͳ¿ª·¢¡¢ÖÊÁ¿¹ÜÀíºÍÏúÊÛ²¿ÃÅÇóÖ°¾ÍÒµ ¶ÔÓÚÃÀÑÐÉêÇëÓÐÒÉÎÊ£¬¿ÉÒÔ×Éѯpaul_liuxue£¬ÎÒÃdzÉÁË5Ä꣬½«½ü·þÎñ400¶àλѧÉú£¡
The Tiger's Head-±£ÂÞ¡¤»ô¶ûÌØ(µ±Ä³¹î¼ÆÃÕÃæÊÇÓÃÒ»¸ùÊÖÕÈÔÚ±ðÈËÃæÇ°ÕÙ»½Ò»¸öħ¹íµÄµÄʱºò,½â´ð¾ÍֻʣÏÂÄÇÒ»ÖÖÁË) ·¸×ïѧµÄÆß´óÆæ¼£-±£ÂÞ¡¤»ô¶ûÌØ ºÕÀ¿ËÀÕ˹µÄÊ®¶þ×ÚÒÉ°¸-±£ÂÞ¡¤»ô¶ûÌØ...The Case of the Gilded Flyǹɱ¹î¼Æ-Edmund Crispin His Burial Too-Catherine Aird Learning Curve-Catherine Aird The Marceau Case-Harry Stephen Keeler The Case of the T...
7. Don't tell Paul, whatever you do!8. She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul.These examples showcase the name Paul used in sentences, ...
tony:Hi,paul.let's play basket ball.paul:Hi tony.That sounds difficult.tony:Hmmm¡¡let's play tennis .paul:oh,well,Do you have a tennis racket.tony:yes...
...early morningcup of tea. packed a small case...
1-5: CADDB