put oneself out是啥意思?

put (oneself) out To expend a great deal of effort; to inconvenience oneself or go through a ...

关于put的短语有那些? 要汉语意思和例句

假装;伪装 put onto 向…介绍;向…提供(资料)put out 熄灭;关熄;扑灭 put oneself out 费神;花工夫 put over 解释;说...


put forwardv. 提出;拿出;放出;推举出 put in提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职 put on穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 put...


not know where to put oneself 1. (非正式)十分尴尬,局促不安 put something behind one 1. 把(不快的感受)置于脑后 They h...

put 除了跟on put down 还可以跟什么 分别是什么意思 - 百 ...

put oneself out 费神;花工夫 put over 解释;说明;表达 put to 问(问题);提(建议)put together 商量 put ...


"Put" 是一个常用的英语动词,它有多种用法和意思。以下是一些常见的用法总结:放置:表示将物品放置在某个位置,如 "put the ...

有关put 的短语有哪些??

36. put one over on [口语]对(某人)耍诡计,让(某人)上当,欺骗(某人)[亦作 put over on]38. put oneself out[口语]...


38.put oneself out [口语]作出努力;费力,不辞辛苦,不怕麻烦 39.put on flesh (或 weight) 见 flesh 和 weight 40.put ...

求put的动词短语,例如put out,put away之类的

put out 关(灯);出版,发布;伸出;生产 put sb down 使下车 put sb up 举起;建造;提高;供给 put sb. against ...


first)[亦作 put one's (或 the) best leg foremost] 见 foot和leg38. put oneself out[口语]作出努力;费力,不辞辛苦,...

