raise to
ÓÐËÓÃÓÃraise to ºÍraise by ·Ö±ð×÷Á½¸ö¾ä×Ó¡£¿ì¿ì¿ì°¡...
raise to: µ½Ä³ÖÖ³Ì¶È The boss raised salary to 1500 RMB.Àϰ彫¹¤×ÊÌáµ½ÁË1500Ôª¡£raise by:ÒÔijÖÖ¹æÄ£»òÕßÊÇËÙ¶È The boss raised salary by 10% per month.ÀÏ°å...
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raise,riseÇø±ð?raise to/ raise byÒâ˼?ÓÐûÓÐrise...
raise ÊǼ°Îﶯ´Ê,ÒªÓбöÓï,ºÍ to Á¬ÓÃ,±íʾÌáÉýµ½.ºÍby Á¬Óñíʾ¡°Ôö¼Ó¶àÉÙ"rise ÊDz»¼°Îﶯ´Ê,²»½Ó±öÓï ºÍ to Á¬ÓÃ,±íʾÌáÉýµ½.ºÍby Á¬Óñíʾ¡°Ôö¼Ó¶àÉÙ" ½âÎö¿´²»¶®?Ãâ·Ñ...
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£ªbring about/ give rise to 5¡¢Ó°Ï죺Influence/ impact/ affect 6¡¢½â¾ö£ºsolve/work out/ £ªtackle/ resolve/address ( I can address ...
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