g - rated film ÊÇʲô

movies for kids.

x - rated movieʲôÒâ˼?

x-rated movie ¿´¸öÀý¾ä£ºThis film should be X-rated; it's not suitable for youth.£¨ÕâÊÇÒ»²¿Èý¼¶Æ¬£¬²»ÊʺÏÇàÉÙÄê¹Û¿´¡£

x - rated filmÖÐÎÄ·­Òë

Popce have taken x - rated film star john holmes into custody ¾¯·½ÒѾ­ÊÕѺ *** Ã÷ÐÇjohn holmes Has starred in over...


Ì«¿Õ̽ÏÕƬ Space opera ¹¦·òƬ Kung Fu movie ÎäÏÀƬ swordsmen movie É«ÇéƬ X-rated film / erotic film Õ½ÕùƬ war film ...

Ó¢Óï¿ÎÀÏʦÈÃÓÃÓ¢Óï½éÉÜÃÀ¹úµÄÎÄ»¯,ÂÖµ½ÎÒÊÇx - rated...

XXX, etc.) to give the impression that their film contained more graphic sexual content than the simple X-rating. Nothing...

Ó¢Óﶯ»­½²½â:Finding Nemo ¡¶º£µ××ܶ¯Ô±¡·

and was the highest-grossing G-rated film of all time before Pixar's own Toy Story 3 overtook it. The film was re-r...


A new feminist1 film classification, f-rated film, is to be used at this year's Bath ...

ÇóÓÃÓ¢Óï±í´ï¡¶Transformers 4¡·µÄ¼ò½é,²»ÒªÌ«³¤,ûÓÐÓï ...

making it the lowest rated film of the franchise. However, many praised the visual effects, the action sequences, Steve J...


The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality. Von Stauffenberg's cohorts are played by British actors...