shape of you中文歌词是什么?

中文名称:你的身姿 The club isn't the best place to find a lover 夜店不是找另一半的绝佳场所 ...

shape of you歌词怎么写?

你的身体亦让我无比眷恋 And last night you were in my room 昨晚你在我房间过夜 And now my bed...

英文歌 shape of you 的中文音译歌词

初次约会 外出同行 But you and me are thrifty so go all you can eat 但你我都比较饥饿所以直奔吃处去 Fill up your bag ...

shape of you歌词中文

我和我朋友们在桌前干着杯 一饮而尽 再缓缓诉起衷肠 这时你走过来开始和我搭讪 你知道我会予以...



shape of you是什么意思

有两个意思:中文意思:你的线条 2.由Ed Sheeran演唱的歌曲


shape of you歌词中文音译:The club isn't the best place to find lover泽 克拉不 一阵特 百斯...


1、shape of you塑造你;为你塑形具体音标shape英 [ʃeɪp] 美 [ʃep] of英 [əv] 美 [&...

shape of you 是小黄歌吗

I'm in love with the shape of you 我爱上了特别的你 Come on be my baby come on 来吧 做我的宝贝吧 Come on be my...

求yesterday once more和Shape of you歌词中文

歌词(翻译版):When I was young (当我小时候)I'd listen to the radio (聆听收音机)Waiting...

