


they say i should talk with the boys and be friendlier 他们说我应该和男孩们说说话,并让自己变得更加友好一点 ...

we should talk quietly 的问句是什么?

答:We should talk quietly.我们应该静静讨论一下。希望对你有帮助

You should talk with your parents before exams an...

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:You should talk with your parents before exams and they can give you some advice.在考试...


2、should表示命令或者要求 例如:You shouldn't talk in class.你不许在课堂上讲话。(结合句子的场景...

you should talk it with your parents and then tell the...

your concerns,你关心的事情,前面不可以加 what。但是可以 加 what're = what are you should talk it with your parents and...

Do you know - - - I should talk about the matter to...

从句恢复成陈述句:i should talk about the matter to ___可以看出划线处做宾语 who 一般作主语用,其实现在也可以主宾通用了。

You should talk to your friends while ( )sad A feeling...

while后面直接加动词一般有两种情况 1.主语主动发出 You should talk to your friends while you are feeling sad.此时由于feel这个...

talk to sb 和talk with sb的区别

- You should talk to your boss about this issue.(你应该去和你的上司谈谈这个问题。)- Can we sit down...


SHOULD 用来表示建议或是提供意见 例: You have a test tomorrow, you should study for it. 你明天有考试, 你应该学习. (...

