谁能翻译一下这首歌(The Sally Gardens )

The Salley Gardens Down by the Salley Gardens 走进莎莉花园 My love and I did meet 我和我的爱人相遇 She passed the S...

The sally garden 谁能给我歌词?谢谢

Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;在莎莉花园深处,吾爱与我曾经相遇。She passed the salley gardens with ...

Enya的The Sally Garden 的歌词

Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;斯遇佳人,仙苑重深 She passed the salley gardens with little snow-w...

down by the salley gardens的原唱究竟是谁?

《莎莉花园》,英文名:《THE SALLY GARDENS 》,由爱尔兰作曲家: Phil Coulter (菲.库尔特)创作,该曲子被收录在他的专辑《绿...

Down by the Salley Gardens 写作背景

这首歌传唱开后,名称就被定为歌词的第一句——Down by the Sally Gardens。1909年,爱尔兰音乐家Herbert Hughes将曲调重新改编。...

求Down by the sally gardens中英文对照歌词

Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet 我曾和我的挚爱相遇在莎园中 She passed the Salley Gardens with little...

《Down By the Salley Gard》翻译歌名?在首歌里表达了怎样...

是 Down By the Sally garden,这是首爱尔兰的民谣 Down by the salley gardens Down by the Salley Gardens 走在莎莉花园深处...

急求down by the sally gardens这首歌的中文翻译!

叶芝(爱尔兰)诗作 Down by the Sally Garden 偶过莎莉园 My love and I did meet 吾与佳人遇 She passed the Sally Garden...

down by the salley gardens是什么电影的主题曲

《down by the salley gardens》是TV动画《分形世界》ED。歌名:Down By The Salley Gardens 歌手:...

clannad - down by the sally gardens这首歌的歌词是? - 百度...

中文翻译:Down by the Salley Gardens 莎丽花园 Down by the Salley Gardens my love and I did meet 我曾和我的挚爱相遇在莎...

