
下一步的英文:the next step。next step:下一步;下一步骤;下个步骤。句子中也可用:Next;Forward;What’s Next;The Next...


next或者the next step 如:I dont't know what to do next。我不知道下一步改怎么办。The next step is to investigate the...


也可以用" the next step" , 一般用于说明文中,第一步怎么样,下一步怎么样。在一篇文章中,作为指示性副词,表示 “进一步说...

英语句子 分析成分

His job是名词主语,is是谓语,to write reports for the newspaper是表语。2. The next step is to put the theory into prac...

what is next step有语病吗

what is next step有语病,需要加the,也就是what is the next step(下一步计划怎么做)。读音:英...

in the next step是什么意思

in the next step 在下一步 例句:1.If you close it,the commands in the next step are not available.如果关闭该文档,便...

...approve of proceed to the next step

不对.应该是:I approve of proceeding to the next step.当然,越简单越好:I agree to go on to the next ( step).


不对。应该是:I approve of proceeding to the next step.当然,越简单越好:I agree to go on to the next ( step)....

I want to know what about the next step

前后分别是两个句子,按照你的意思这句话应该写为I want to know what is the next step.这个句子的句式应是主谓宾结构,宾语...

求美国作家莫顿·亨特的《走一步,再走一步》英文原文 - 百度...

towards a block away from the cliff top there are 2/3 narrow ledge on the journey. I fell on the last,trembling, out...

