我需要一个关于《泰坛尼克号》的英文故事梗概!谢谢了 - 百度...
sometimes with less than half their rated capacity. The last boat was launched by 2:05 AM, as the Titanics tilt becomes much steeper.At 2:17 AM the stern...
【WhentheTitanics - - - afteraheavyblowfromanicebergin...
When the Titanic s___ after a heavy blow from an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean,1,512of the 2,223passengers on board were killed....
求一篇英文翻译,很短就200字左右,不要那种机器翻译。 - 百 ...
but to see it again has some different thoughtsmy heart willgo on asthe theme song of the titanics , i love it very muchit is an elaborote masterpiece ...
最好不用,怀孕不要用刺激性的东西 titanics2012 2011-11-30 10:36 最好什么都不用 挂蚊帐 我怀孕的时候就是什么都忌的 包括洁厕剂 和洗衣服 的问道都不用闻 candy19851985 ...
《超人前传》上卢瑟的扮演者麦克·罗森邦姆的资料 - 百度知 ...
2005 "Jackie Chan Adventures"... as "Drago"; "Stealing Thunder"2005 "Jackie Chan Adventures"... as "Drago"; "Clash of the Titanics"2005 "Jackie Chan Adve...
"Clash of the Titanics"2005 "Jackie Chan Adventures"... as "Drago"; "Antler Action"2005 "Jackie Chan Adventures"... as "Drago"; "The Demon Beneath..."...
翻译下这个视频 谢谢~~
Host: still on the Titanics, did I screw up or are you just tired hearing about that?主持:我们还在说泰坦尼克,是我主持得不够好还是你们都厌倦听到这个话题了...
(83)纸扇之谜 The oracular of the fans圣主的儿子恶魔小龙来到了13区。恶魔小龙召集了黑手帮的人做他的手下。他们前往一个车库去寻找纸扇。这...
请告诉我lex luthor的出生年月日等资料~~~谢谢
2005 "Jackie Chan Adventures"... as "Drago"; "Clash of the Titanics"2005 "Jackie Chan Adventures"... as "Drago"; "Antler Action"2005 "Jackie Chan ...