
35 != 34 How many letters are there in the following string: "br3elr726fnhga53qdrxj8rsvh28usj62u708sv1xo7e2or1ra75389pbt36...

能否详细比较一下 nvim - lsp 和 coc.nvim?

/ bI5stEUEl; bIstoEl/ n [U]. bestride / bI5straId; bI`straId/ v (pt bestrode/ bI5strEUd; bI`strod/, pp bestridden/ bI5strIdn; bI`strIdn/) [Tn] (fml 文.../ baInd; baInd/ v (pt, pp bound/ baUnd; baJnd/) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A (to B); ~ A and B (together) (a) tie or fasten, eg with rope...


Sleeve 使力舞→袖子 Tie 领带,系v Vest 马甲,背心 Invest 投资所里面的工作人员穿马甲→投资,投入(时间,精力) Harvest 收获 Pack 包裹,打包,解雇 backpack 后背包 Boots 靴子,行...


高考词汇三剑客之《精编高考词汇专项练习》-第2章(共45章)精编高考词汇专项练习-第2章 精编高考词汇专项练习-第2章 精编高考词汇专项练习-第...

如何理解 clock drift 和 clock skew 这两个概念呢...

dual / 5dju:El; ?@ 5du:El; `duEl/ adj [attrib 作定语] having two parts or aspects; double 两部分的; 二体的; 二重的; 双的: his dual role as composer and .../ 5dju:tIEbl; ?@ 5du:-; `dutIEbl/ adj on which customs or other duties (duty 3) must be paid 应纳税的: dutiable goods 应纳税的货物. dutiful ...


/ kEn5septFUEl; kEn`sZptFJEl/ adj of or based on concepts 观念的; 概念的; 观念上的; 概念上的. conception .../ kEn5sR:tIEm; ?@ -5sR:rFIEm; kEn`sRrFIEm/ n (pl -tia/ -tIE; ?@ -FIE; -FIE/) temporary association of a ...

为什么 vegetable 是可数名词,fruit 是不可数名词...

Cf 参看 tied house (tie2). free kick (in football) kick taken without interference, as a penalty against the opposing team (足球)罚任意球..../ 5fru:tfl; `frutfEl/ adj 1 having many good results; productive or profitable; successful 硕果累累的 ; 多产的 ; 有利的 ; 成功的 : a fruitful experience, day's...


retardancy:transparency, and high fexibility, thus greatly -UPMC Université Paris 06, CNRS,UMR 7574 Laboratolre Chimie de In Matlere ...

伦敦地铁上的提示语「mind the gap」是什么意思?

/ 5mInErEl; `mInErEl/ n 1 [C, U] substance that is not vegetable or animal, esp one with a constant chemical composition which is found naturally in the earth 矿物...Let me put your tie straight. 请等等! 我帮你正正领带. the last minute/moment => last1 ,not for a/one `minute/`moment (infml 口) not at all 一点儿...

ex - 开头的英语单词发音是否有规律?

/ 9i:kwI5lAtErEl; 9ikwE`lAtErEl/ adj (geometry 几) having all sides equal 等边的: an equilateral triangle 等边三角形. equilibrium / 9i:kwI5lIbrIEm, also9ek-; 9ikwE.../ 9i:tIEU5leIFn; 9itIE`leFEn/ n [U]. etiology (US) = aetiology. etiquette / 5etIket, -kEt; `ZtI9kZt, -kEt/ n [U] formal rules of correct and polite beh...

