
歌名:miss you Artist / Band:4tune miss you When I close my eyes,That's when you're near...I kiss you,But I know that I'm dreamin'Girl, it's un...

一首男生的英文歌,开头歌词是miss you, when i close my...

4Tune - Miss You Miss you,想念你 when I close my eyes 当我闭上双睛 that's when you're near 眼前浮现出你的身影 Kiss you 亲吻你 but I know that I'm...

一首男生唱的英文歌,开头歌词是miss you, when i close my...



1、 士可杀不可辱 You can kill me,but can't fuck me.2、 朝拜 Put your head bangbangbang on the ground.3、 你让我心动 You m...

tune付款求助 - misscarrot的回答

Thank you for your feedback We have run through the system and everything seems to run smoothly. You can also try to book using d...


1. Precious——伊藤由奈 视频是may j翻唱版,可以自寻原版 JPOP歌姬May J.新单Precious翻唱自伊藤由奈 2. Let It Go~ありのままで——...

I'm sure you know the song"Happy Birthday&...

Miss Patty Hill sang the song"Happy Birthday"to the melody(曲调)of"Good Morning to you"to her little nephew(侄子)She sang the song like this; Happy birthday to ...


我记得你和我一起度过的夏天 假日来临,我们永远永远不分离 我记得我们一起的每时每刻 我俩度过的每分钟我都铭刻在心 现在,在夏天(我想念你)在冬天(我想念你)这...


4Tune最佳单曲:Miss You Just Let It Go http://cdn1-15.projectplaylist.com/e1/static12/mp3/2709313.mp3 Forth step towards plain Demon Sword Ashura The Pearl...

有哪些美到窒息的英文句子 ?

“所念皆星河,星河皆是你。”5、With me forever,for you unique charm.“用我万世千秋,换你风华绝代.”6、Lonely like the moon ,...

