英语what’s in it for me怎么翻译?

这是 这对我有什么好处的意思。例如 What is in it for me if I tell you the truth?如果我告诉你事实,对我有什么好处?

...diamond 的 What's In It For Me 的中文歌词

Amy Diamond - What's In It For Me?艾米·戴蒙德——我能从中得到什么?Ah ah ah ah 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 Okey 好的 It's ...

what's in it for me?怎么翻好对我有什么用吗?这跟我...

What's in it for me?这里有什么是给我的.

WIIFM,What’s In It For Me 翻译成中文是什么意思 - 百度知 ...

What’s In It For Me ? 这对我而言有什么啊(言下之意应该是这对我来说不算事儿很简单,或者对我没有什么好处)What’s...

What S In It For Me 歌词

What′s in it - what′s in it for me Got no time for a hit and run - I need more than a little fun Cause I ...

what's in it...什么意思?

What's in it? A hat.里面有什么?一顶帽子。How will I get that? What's in it for me?我...

what's in it for的翻译是什么意思?

3.Sure, this is valuable to large software houses, but what's in it for the little guy?当然,对于大型软件公司来说,这...

What's in it for you?这句话什么意思呢?

这句话真正的意思是,这对你有什么益处呢?我们经常问的一句是What's in it for me?就是要求我们说话的时候一定要以受众为中心...

what is in it 是什么意思

what is in it 什么东西在那里面。例句:1.What is in it for you?你有什么好处?2.Wait. I don't understand. What is ...

...像what is in it for you?电影里翻译成 你为什么...


