...I'm singing lol.Its very hard to learn and kind...

it holds.IDK,something about China draws me to it.Plus you're from China so it makes it more beautiful and more fun.I just wish learning its languages was alot ...

...aspirationi have my ownviews about learning a...

i have my ownviews about learning a language .i think it waste of time to acquire a greaterknowledge than suffices me to read fluently and talk enough for the ...


推荐老师:朱伟 近几年,朱伟老师的口碑直线下滑。 不可否认,朱伟从新东方出来自立门户之后,推出的课程质量确实大不如前,课程冗长,废话很多,且每节课都在打广告,尤其是2019/2020版的。


1、每个导师带的学生都是有限的。2、增加复试成功率 3、原则 4、禁忌:5、如何选择老师 6、给老师发信息 二、考研复试大纲 三、自我介绍 1...


1.As scheduled, we have an English Talent Show today, with the purpose of developing our interest in English learning and improving our practical abilities to listen and s...


189. Don't talk back to me!别跟我顶嘴! 190. Why are you picking on me?你干嘛老挑我的刺儿? 191. I'm calling to inquiry about flights to New York.我想询问飞往纽...

...stone.When an ant says"ocaen",he's talking...

4.be careful of the person who does not talk and the dog that does not bark 明抢易挡,暗箭难防.5.you cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep 真人不...

My name is Patti,and my mom told me that when I...

I learned to talk and speak my mother language-Spanish.Now,I am studying English.I can't believe that I am learning another language,and that is all because of Mom!

...人至少十句话.1.Talk about independent learning...

没时间写给你个参考一下吧The Importance of Improving Oral English CompetenceAt the beginning of the Fall Semester 2007,many students from Business College and Law ...

...a science class where learning is easy and fun...

21.D 细节理解题.根据文中信息I was always a weak reader and wasn't getting any better.My parents told me I needed to be tutored.(我总是一个阅读很差...

