on behalf of什么意思

on behalf of 代表 双语对照 词典结果:on behalf of[英][ɔn biˈhɑ:f ɔv][美][ɑn bɪ&#712...

on behalf of 怎么用

1 He spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and staff.他代表全体教职员工讲了话。2 Secret Service officer Ro...

on behalf of什么意思?

on behalf of 为了…的利益;代表…英 [ɔn biˈhɑ:f ɔv] 美 [ɑn bɪˈhæf &...

on behalf of和in the name of的区别一个是代表,一个...

on behalf of是代表某人做某事 也可以说on one's behalf 代表的是人 可能是经人授权所以代表某人做事情 比如说“我代表经理来看望...

on behalf of是什么意思?

on behalf of,一般指代表某些人:英文解释: as the representative of sb or instead of them on ...

on behalf of 怎么用?I on behalf of myself. 需要加...

on behalf of 是介词短语, 后面跟名词\动名词.I am on behalf of myself.

