put diamond
±£Ö¤Äã»áÔÚÖ®ºóµÄijһÌì»áÏëÆðµÄ You can always put a diamond on her hand till you can¡¯t Äã¿ÉÒÔÒ»Ö±°Ñ×êʯ´÷ÔÚÄǸöÅ®º¢ÊÖÉÏ If you got a chance, take it,...
µ«ÊÇÔÚ·ÀÊØÂäλµÄʱºò£¬ÓÐDiamondÕâ¸öÂäλ·½Ê½£¬Ò²¾ÍÊÇÁâÐÎÂäλ¡£Ï൱ÓÚBoxÂäλµÄ±äÐΡ£³ýÁËÕâ¸öÆäʵÀºÇòÁìÓòÙµÓïÓкܶࡣ...ͶÀº±»·â¸Ç£¬»òij¸ö¶¯×÷±»¶ÔÊÖ¡°Þô¡±ÏÂÀ´ Getting denied by defender. Often when jumping to make a basket, put being denied by the defender...
6 cut off CO£¨¿¨ÌØŶ¸££©·Åƺóµ¹ÊýµÚ¶þ¸öÐж¯µÄλÖà 7 button BTN£¨°ÍÌÙ£©°´Å¥Î»¼´×¯¼Òλ ÅÆÐÍÊõÓ1 X high£¨XàË£© ij¸ßÅÆ 2 ...
The Brief Introduction of Diamond ×êʯ¼ò½é After pondering the diamond is the diamond, diamond is a natural mineral, is the original stone diamond. Simply put, ...
...king who gave his daughter a beautiful diamond...
1¡¢Bashful £ºadj. º¦ÐßµÄ, ÐßÇӵġ£º¦Ðß¹í£¬º¦Ðß¹íÐÔ¸ñ·Ç³£º¦Ðߣ¬µ«ÓëÆäËüС°«ÈËÒ²Ïà´¦µÄºÜºÃ¡£2¡¢Grumpy£º adj. ÐÔÇé¹ÔìåµÄ, Æ¢Æø±©ÔêµÄ...
ÈçºÎÆÀ¼ÛTaylor SwiftµÄµÚ°ËÕÅר¼¡¶folklore¡·?
2.2 / betty - ÀË×Ó»ØÍ·£¿ÎªÊ±ÒÑÍí 2.3 / cardigan - Å®Ö÷¶À°× 3 / the last great american dynasty ¡ª¡ª оɴóÅöײ 4 / exile ...
ÓÐÄÄЩӢÓï¶ÌÓï,±ÈÈçput. on ?
The actress likes to be known as May Diamond,although it is not her real name.ÕâλŮÑÝԱϲ»¶±ðÈ˽ÐËý¡°Ã·±¦Ê¯¡±,ËäÈ»Õâ..."put on" ÕâÖÖ½Ð×ö "¶ÌÓﶯ´Ê" (Phrasal Verb),Ó¢ÓïÖÐÓг¬¹ý 5,000 Phrasal Verbs.ÄãÒªÕÒÑ°ËüÃÇ¿ÉÒÔÉÏ»¥ÁªÍøËÑË÷ "Phrasal Verbs...
On February 9th,2013,SarahDarling was walking...
Sarah didn't realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse earlier until the followingmorning...