slim chance和slight chance

a slim chance 机会渺茫 slim chance of success 成功的机会很渺茫 A Slim Chance Of Survival 一线生机

机会渺茫 用英语怎么说呢?

Slim chance 可能性很小 Chinaman’s chance 机会渺茫 Chance of a lifetime /once in a blue moon 千载难逢 --- Not a ...


机会很小 [词典] Chances are slim; a chance in a million; slim chance; fat chance; A poor chance [例句]The chances o...


A "fat chance" and a "slim chance" are the same thing.When someone says "a fat chance" or...


首先slim chance中的slim表示很消瘦,整个词组表示“几乎没有机会,即使有机会也是一线机会,一线希望”看...


3、slim chance:渺茫的机会;4、pretty slim:相当苗条(或薄、小);5、slim margin:微弱的差距。s...

...不改变 a slim chance & set in stone (344)

下载音频李华和Larry要去健身房锻练身体.今天我们要学两个常用语:a slim chance和set in stone.LH:这你就不懂了!健身房的会员费...

...reason does quicksand flow slowly,slim chance...

Quicksand can work slowly动作很慢的流沙被称为“快沙”(沙漠里馅进去,就爬不起来);slim chance equals to fat chance and a ...

...ice3.paint the town red4.fat chance/slim chance...

1.put yourself in their shoes.设身处地为他人着想2.break the ice 打破僵局3.paint the town red 狂欢、胡闹4.fat chance/...

A fat chance

参看《牛津高阶》给的释义: fat a fat lot (of good, etc) (infml ironic 口, 反语) very ...

